Chevrolet Spark becomes visually and conceptually a spark in the image. The car is a spark of the designer and the engineer that wanted to create an original, innovative type of car. It appears in the image as a spark in an energy flow- produced by two sources of electricity. Electricity was also a spark of its creator that changed the world and took part of what it has become today. We can't imagine the contemporary world without electricity. Also, the bulb has become a symbol in the world of images (cartoons, movies, posters, etc) that represents a very good idea, a "spark" of someone related to a certain something. So Chevrolet Spark and electricity are sparks that change the world - in different ways, of course.

My photo wants to describe visually the 100 years history of Chevrolet brand. Chevrolet Orlando is used as a symbol which incorporates both visually and conceptually the previous car designs of Chevrolet brand. Therefore Chevrolet Orlando becomes a result of what the designers previously designed before it.Chevrolet Orlando couldn't have existed and couldn't have been designed if there wasn't a history behind it. Therefore it becomes in the image a metaphor of Chevrolet's history.